Friday, 24 August 2012 14:25 |
Report from Iceland Sea Angling's customer Ursula Kluck
"Never in my whole life I have experienced a day like yesterday. Tough it took about an hour until we came to the fishing spot, it was fully worth the waiting. Every few minutes a big cod bit the hook. At a point of time I thought the hook was fast as the break shrieked and lots of line went off the roll at once, but the "fast hook" then turned out to be an enormous cod! Wé didn't even manage to wheigh and measure as fish bit continously. At noon, my arm hurt so much that I needed painkillers and a break. During that time I took lots of videos and pictures. When one of the boxes in our boat was filled with 400 kilos of fish, we decided to finish. Every one of us also caught an ocean perch during that fishing trip."
(Bolungarvík, August 2012)
Tight lines and greetings from Iceland!

Friday, 17 August 2012 13:09 |
Orca whale and monkfish
On July 25th, fishing guide Matthias Brill and his guests from Bolungarvík could watch a magnificent group of killer whales, which consisted of eight animals led by a big alpha male with an enormous fin. The orcas were playing and tolerated the fishermen. "A wonderful experience", states Matthias Brill.
Also fishing itself was successful that day. The day's highlight was a monkfish of exactly 20 kilos at a length of 112 cm. Many big cod up to 20,5 kilos at 130 cm length made that fishing day an unforgetable experience for our guests.
Tight lines from Bolungarvík!

Friday, 03 August 2012 10:52 |
Week 31: Mümmelmann and the cod of his life
Hermann „Mümmelmann“ Kinne from Nordhorn could again catch many a big cod. During the guided tour with Matthias Brill from Bolungarvík Hermann several enormous cod bit Hermann's hook. That day's last fish was even the biggest one in Hermann's life. At a length of 134 cm and a weight of 31,25 kilos, it was really a tremendous one! The cod bit on a Bergmann pilker at a depth of about 70 m. Congratulations, Mümmelmann, og tight lines!

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